I hope you all know that 6th graders are leaving the school this year, and the next year they won't be here.
I'm very sad because lots of my friends are not going to be at school next year, but, I am a bit happy because they will learn more, meet more people, make friends...
Well, and the next year I will also have to leave the school, I'm because of it, but I will visit you whenever I can.
And 6th graders are also going to do that, but I have to confess that it will not be the same, because a lot of 6th graders helped us to win 2 times the drama prize, and... Well, I can only say that.
I cryed a lot because of them, because the next we will not see them while we are talking in the class, running in the playground, waiting for Isabel to open the front door... It won't be the same, absolutly, it won't be the same.
Now I'm talking with Alex, today is a 5th grader. He is telling me to tell 6th graders that he would miss you, and that as me, he cryed, and that we love you all and we don't want that you leave, but we know it's imposible...
So, please, don't forget us, because we are not going to forget you...
And, now, I have to go.
That's all for today.
So Say What!!! (I say it won't be the same)