2 birthdays in one week!!!

Today, 8 of April, is my father's birthday, but we will celebrate it on Sunday.
And also today is Sandra's mother's birthday.
Tomorrow I'm also going to celebrate Alicia's birthday, that it's on 11 of April.
I think that it will be fun, because maybe I watch again Gomeo & Julieta.
I saw it with my mother last Saturday, and I liked it a lot, and I want to watch it again, but, if we don't, I don't care, because it will also be very fun.
Say What!!!

Gonna Win!!!

On Wednesday we're going to perform the play of Much Ado About Nothing.
The Final Judge comes to our school to decide if we are the 1st, the 2nd, or the 3rd ones.
I think we are going to win.
We wan, but I think we are going to win the 1st ones.
"I think the fish has taken the bait"
That's one of the things that I say on the play. And now I said because I think the judge is going to say that we are the 1st.
Well, you can see our play in the gym, Wendnesday, at 17:00.
See you then!!!