A year without rain

As you know, I love how Selena Gomez sings. So here is another song from Selena Gomez.
The song is that Selena Gomez misses her boyfriend because he took a trip and she says that a day without him is like a year without rain, and she doesn't knows how she survived (but not literally of course)
OK, is better you see the video for having fun. I hope you will enjoy the video, (or thats what I want)

Selena Gomez

Selena Gomez is a singer. And I love how she sings. Thats why I'm putting this videos on my blog. I hope you like it as me, or you enjoy it. I think she sings very well. What about you? Do you think the same as me?
OK, before you answer watch the videos.
The first is Naturally, I hope you enjoy it:

The next one is called Its Magic:

Did you enjoy it? I hope so. And what video do you think is better? OK, both are great, maybe you like both. But if you don't, comment and answer my questions.
Say what!!!

Some videos of the performance

Here you can see 5th graders singing MELE KALIKIMAKA in the stage, all with their Hawaiian skirts or with a swim suit. It was funny!!! Look this video:

Did you like it? I hope so, but lets see this video from 6th graders singing SANTA CLAUS IS COMING TO TOWN. Its great that video I hope you will enjoy it! Who do you think sings better? Before you say it, see the video:

What video did you like the most? OK, you can tell me by commenting on my blog.

The performance of Mele Kalikimaka

The performance of Mele Kalikimaka wasn't bad at all, but I don't like the first step in the dance, but appart from this, it was fine.
Maybe, tomorrow Angel, my English teacher, will post the video of Mele Kalikimaka on his blog, so you can see it.
Mele Kalikimaka!!! or if you prefer, Marry Christmas!!!
Have a nice Hollyday!!!

Adriana Hdez
Say what!!!

Bye Sweta!!!

Bye Sweta!!! I wish you a Merry Christmas & a Happy New Year!!!
Take care of your self and remember us:
Alicia, Alexandra, Alejandro, Cristina, Giselle, Jessica, Francisco, Angel (the teacher), Ariel and of course Me.
Have fun in England Sweta!!!

My Secret Santa

I don't know who has me on the Secret Santa, but I wish that he or she gives me a Teddy Bear, but, if she or he doesn't bring me a Teddy Bear, it is not important. But I'm sure I will like what ever she or he gives me.
And for My Secret Santa I wish you like my present!!!
Merry Christmas for everybody!!!
Adriana Hdez 

Almost Christmas!!!

Its almost Christmas!!! We're on 16th December and its almost Christmas!!! I'm very excited because maybe it snows, and we're going to have a lot of presents!!!
Merry Christmas!!! Or, as our song says, Mele Kalikimaka!!!
Thats Merry Christmas in Hawaiian.
Mele Kalikimala for every body!!!
Say what!!!

Not an exam today!!!

Not an exam today!!! We must do a Science exam today, but Angel said that today we're not going to do the exam. IƱigo and Cristian came shouting to the class:
We are not going to do the exam!!! We are not going to do the exam!!! The exam is going to be about Nutrition.
I have studied, but, obviously, I'm nervous for doing the exam. OK, I'm always, OK, not always but almost I'm always nervous for doing exams.

Oh, no! We're going retarded!!!

Oh,no, we're going retarded!!! In the play, we only now almost an act, but almost not one act, and we have to do the play not so far from today, so I'm very nervous because I don't know if we have time to finish the play or not. I'm confused... OK, but I wish for finish the play before the jure comes. I wished on a falling star.

A heavy blow

On Sunday, I was going down stairs with my causin Ernesto and I was the last. And I wanted to see where he was, and when I loked up, I banged the iron surrounding the elevator.
It was a heavy blow. And now I have a bump with a stripe in the middle because I hurt when I was in the corner of the iron.
And don't believe me, but the iron vibrated when I hurted. And then my cousin ran on the stairs to where I was.
But I didn't cry.
See you at school.
Say what!!!

Lucia Gil

If you see Disney Channel I'm sure you know who is Lucia Gil. You don't? OK, if you don't know her you will after this video. Last year there was a contest at Disney Channel. Someone singing a Camp Rock's song.
Lucia Gil won the first prize. I hope you enjoy watching this video of her singing a song called Two Stars.

Now she is too much older than in this video, and now she sings better but, in this video too.
Say what!!!